jQuery Markup

jQuery Markup is a jQuery plugin for assembling, pre-compiling, expanding and then DOM-injecting HTML markup code fragments based on plain HTML or an arbitrary template language. jQuery plugin for Template based Markup generation.

jQuery mb.containerPlus

This is a useful plug in to build full featured and fully skinnable containers. The container can be set to draggable, resizable, collapsable and minimizable.

jQuery lightSlider

JQuery lightSlider is a lightweight responsive Content slider with carousel thumbnails navigation

jQuery Number Format

Easily format numbers for display use. Replace numbers inline in a document, or return a formatted number for other uses. Even enables seamless number formatting in input fields as-you-type. Currency formatting is easy too—simply add a currency placeholder in the label of your form element, and set the appropriate format.


A jQuery plugin for cross browser number inputs. Part of the Formstone Library.

jQuery mb.miniAudioPlayer

This plugin let you add a minimal full featured player that takes advantage of the new HTML5 AUDIO tag with a flash fallback for browsers that don’t support it. It is built on the jPlayer library


A general purpose library for validating and formatting mobile phone numbers.

jQuery Rondell

This is a plugin for displaying galeries and other content as carousel, thumbnail gallery, slider and much more!

Inputmask Multi

Inputmask Multi is a plugin which allows to select a mask of input basing on the beginning of entered data (such as an international phone number)

jQuery mb.bgndGallery

This plugin let you create A flexible photo gallery that you can use also as background of your site.