
This is a free set tip box shows the content (including text, images, etc.), disappear when the tip of the content, prompt box into the popup style optional, configuration of transparency, fades, animation duration, CSS control style and independent and in and out of style, can set a delay, delay, disappear automatically hidden, optional relative … Continue reading

Multi Step Form

Mutli step form with automatic partly form POST with progress.

jQuery Simple Loader

Small plugin for create animated loader over target element.

jQuery Grow

A microtemplating plugin for jQuery.

Video album – Dark Glass Template

Video LightBox – Dark Glass Template – No css, html, javascript coding, no image editing!


jPut is a small jquey plugin which you can put your JSON as customized HTML format easily.It supports loading JSON via ajax.jPut supports multidimensional json too. jPut also supports JSONP.


Easy way to have multiple parent-child select objects.


A jQuery plugin developed to be a flexible interface with any SPARQL database.


A jQuery plugin for creating stylised text prompts on DOM elements.

JQuery Uploader List

jQuery plugin to upload multiple files, one after the other using a queue into list.