Tagged: alert
Displays customizable dialog windows.
Released August 13, 2014
noty is a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to create alert - success - error - warning - information - confirmation messages as an alternative the standard alert dialog. Each notification is added to a queue. (Optional)
Released December 10, 2013
JavaScript plugin for playing sounds on user actions and events. Today websites are full of events (new mail, new chat-message, content update etc.). Often it is not enough to indicate this events only visually to get user attention. You need sounds! This library, made for playing small sounds, will help you with this task.
Released August 7, 2014
jQuery plugin that hides copy and images with a bit of SVG blur. Don't be a spoiler. Taste on mouseover. Eat on click.
Released February 24, 2013
Growl is a jQuery plugin designed to provide informative messages in the browser.
Released September 17, 2014
A small, compact and highly configurable dialog box plugin for jQuery meant to replace JavaScript's native "alert" and "confirmation" windows.
Released December 20, 2013
Notific8 is a notification plug-in inspired by the notifications introduced in Windows 8 with some web ready restyling and customizations. Notific8 has built in themes and is easy to create new themes for. The plug-in was born from a want for a simply designed yet modern and stylish notification system. The plug-in is also designed to scale based on the page's font-size setting (it was designed for the default of 100%/16px as the default).
Released September 29, 2014
A minimal jQuery plugin to add a sticky alert bar to the top of your website.
Released April 21, 2014
Responsive modal / dialog window for jQuery
Released August 24, 2014
After a set amount of time, a dialog is shown to the user with the option to either log out now, or stay connected. If log out now is selected, the page is redirected to a logout URL. If stay connected is selected, a keep-alive URL is requested through AJAX. If no options is selected after another set amount of time, the page is automatically redirected to a timeout URL.
Released June 26, 2013