Tagged: animation
A plugin for creating easy to use collapsible menus of various types.
Released June 13, 2013
simple jQuery plugin with methods scrollBottom(), scrollRight(), scrollCenter() and many more. You can put in parameter values, DOM element and options for animation.
Released September 1, 2014
simple jQuery plugin with methods scrollBottom(), scrollRight(), scrollCenter() and many more. You can put in parameter values, DOM element and options for animation.
Released September 1, 2014
The lightbox reimagined. Fully responsive HTML5 image galleries.
Released June 20, 2013
A plugin that transforms a series of form elements into a simple wizard. Designed to work with the jQuery Validation plugin and the jQuery UI effects core and jQuery easing plugins for transitions.
Released January 18, 2013
Let foreground, background and border colors fade to another color.
Released January 31, 2013
A jQuery plugin with smooth effect scroll animation
Released September 27, 2013
A fully responsive jquery carsousel and rotater with css3 animations,thumbnails,Nav Icons,Progress bar and Pause/resume support.
Released June 3, 2014
This plugin allows the position of a background image to be animated. * Specify positions by name or pixel location. * Apply standard speed and easing settings.
Released May 31, 2013
jQuery plugin for aligning columns of a table on decimal or other character.
Released April 9, 2013