Tagged: animation
Position any element to any element, even if they are hidden
Released March 30, 2013
HeapShot image gallery for jQuery.
Released April 7, 2013
3D for jQuery
Released June 24, 2013
jQuery plugin to imitate the animation of a typewriter.
Released October 31, 2013
Bare Bones Slider is a minimalistic jQuery slider. The biggest strength of this slider isn't what it does; it's what it doesn't do. By default, there's very little bloat so developers can add new functionality without having to undo the plugin's 'helpful' features. Beginners can use pre-coded options, while experts can control it using public methods.
Released April 6, 2014
A photo gallery with sleek flipping transitions between thumbnails and lightbox enlargements. Other features include dynamic image streaming, auto pagination, auto cropping and transparent image overlay. The layout, speed, co-ordination and text can easily be modified in the settings.
Released May 15, 2014
Relocator is lightweight jQuery plugin to create photo gallery. this plugin will make the different size images to fit with the specified canvas without 'size resizing'
Released July 17, 2013
A Responsive Lightbox that is extremely easy to implement and doesn't require any additional stylesheets, scripts or libraries. Its main feature is an optional flip effect as each lightbox image opens and closes. Another optional feature is a toggled slide text bar and navigation to accompany the lightbox images.
Released May 15, 2014
simple slider originally created for pdf files but can be used for any content.
Released March 10, 2014
jQuery plugin that uses CSS3 translate3d to transform HTML-elements depending on the previous transformation.
Released August 19, 2014