Tagged: animation
This jquery plugin adds a fullscreen starfield, generated in canvas, controlled by css to any div. The parallax responds when user scrolls (no matter how big your content), or when is set to animate. Why? because every website needs a starfield!
Released July 30, 2013
Css3-like easings for jQuery animations.
Released February 22, 2013
Simple and friendly responsive carousel plugin for jQuery. This library accept any type of content, single or multiple visible elements and multiple galleries in one page. Also, you can navigate with swipe (using hammer.js) and keyboard arrows by default, customice autoRotate options and more!
Released June 5, 2013
Animated text typing
Released August 25, 2014
Responsive slideshow / gallery / carousel
Released September 26, 2014
jHover Captions (here in after: HCaptions) is a jQuery plugin that enables you to display caption overlays with cool effects over images, div's, ect..
Released March 8, 2013
This jQuery plugin can display images with a cascading waterwheel effect.
Released March 21, 2013
Spritely is a jQuery plugin for creating dynamic character and background animation in pure HTML and JavaScript. For examples of sites that use Spritely animations, see http://www.spritely.net/gallery/
Released December 19, 2013
A simple jQuery plugin which turns a single page into a collection of screens with animated navigation.
Released July 14, 2014
jQuery Collapser is a small and useful jQuery plugin for collapsing/truncating an element text by words, characters and lines with a flexible API. It is an all in one plugin with multiple functionalities to truncate a paragraph or any element as desired. Tags: jquery, plugin, animation, effect, collapse, lines, words, characters, truncate, element, expand, shrink, text, paragraph, plugin, hide, show, slider
Released January 24, 2014