jQuery async

jQuery async plugin adds Deferred to handle like the Mochikit.Async.Deferred.

Final Fire

Have you ever needed to execute some code after a number of asynchronous events or operations occur? Final Fire is a light-weight reusable plugin that helps you keep track of asynchronous events using a pub/sub methodology.

jQuery Chain

jQuery plugin to chain async functions to execute sequencially, current function’s return value or returned defered object resolve parameters will be transfer to next function as parameters.


Execute a function (e.g. show loading status) when a Promise is slow.

jQuery Async Validator

A jQuery plugin to provide fully customisable asynchronous client-side validations.


A jQuery plugin to provide fully customisable asynchronous client-side validations.


jQuery plugin for async and sync JavaScript load.


A plugin for jQuery/Zepto that repeatedly checks an element’s visibility and fires a callback when visible.