Tagged: columns
A more robust equal heights plugin for jQuery
Released June 10, 2014
Pinterest like responsive image grid for jQuery that doesn’t suck.
Released December 13, 2013
A jQuery plugin to create a HTML tables from a JSON data source. It supports paging, searching, sorting, and theming. Columns is flexible and extensible with an API and support for plugins and custom templates.
Released July 12, 2014
Equalize column heights across multiple rows, on page resize. It can also be based on a minimum or maximum set height.
Released October 4, 2013
A jQuery plugin that sets the height of each element in a group to the height of the highest element. It is responsive, so it keeps working when you resize your window.
Released January 4, 2014
eqHeight.coffee is a jQuery plugin that stretches fluid columns to equal height.
Released August 16, 2014
This plugin gets the list of columns with different height, takes the smallest column and than assign that height to other columns by removing some text for each column and you have option to add three dots at the end.
Released January 18, 2013
This jQuery plugin sets all of the passed jQuery collection of elements to have the same height.
Released October 20, 2013
JQuery plugin that automatically changes short text to columns w/o the hassle of having white space in your container.
Released February 7, 2013
Easily create columns of the same height!
Released June 4, 2014