Tagged: confirmation
noty is a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to create alert - success - error - warning - information - confirmation messages as an alternative the standard alert dialog. Each notification is added to a queue. (Optional)
Released December 10, 2013
Javascript extensions for Twitter Bootstrap. Rewrites bootstrap tabs, collapse, modal, tooltip components for easier usage and provides more plugins for your coding pleasure
Released May 17, 2013
A small, compact and highly configurable dialog box plugin for jQuery meant to replace JavaScript's native "alert" and "confirmation" windows.
Released December 20, 2013
notificationcenter is a jQuery version of the Apple OS X Notification Center. I've attempted to copy everything I can from the OS X verison in 10.9. Icons, colors, sounds, visuals, interactions, functions.
Released August 14, 2014
jQuery plugin for making a button the user has to hold down for a period of time. A good replacement for Are You Sure dialog boxes.
Released December 5, 2013
Tiklsus dialog is a jquery plugin which can show any HTML content(plain text,tables,videos,pictures) inside a popup box. It also support alert,confirmation and prompt dialog creation. you can animate tikslus dialog with different transition effects. you can also create dialogs with custom buttons.
Released May 8, 2014
A jQuery plugin for adding an easy 'are you sure' confirmation pop-up before an event handler is called
Released January 3, 2014