jQuery Transe

Transformable scroll elements!

jQuery Swap Style

Simple way to swap out CSS stylesheets using jQuery and the javascript CSS api.

jQuery getCSS

jQuery plugin for dynamically loading of external css files.

jQuery Diamonds

jQuery plugin for creating a diamond grid.

HTML5 Video Display

A simple plugin for displayng html5 video. It wraps some much needed event control around the HTML5 video object.

ProgressBar – jQuery Tiny Progress Bar

ProgressBar is a tiny and simple jQuery plugin that displays status of a determinate or indeterminate process.

Accordion Menu

Simple vertical css menu which works like accordion. Full support of multiple sub menus and active link recognition to open the associated sub menu

jQuery Format

An extensible jQuery plugin to pretty-print or minify text in XML, JSON, CSS and SQL formats

jQuery CSS Alias

A jQuery Plugin to aliasify your CSS properties.