jQuery Mousestop Event

jQuery mousestop offers a less intrusive alternative to JavaScripts mouseenter event.


Uses an input box to filter an unordered list in real-time.


Bind to the `textSelect` event, a custom DOM-like event generated using jQuery’s Special Events API. The `textSelect` event triggers when the user selects any text within a bound element.

jQuery ScrollAppear

jQuery ScrollAppear is a powerful and agile content appear on scroll (or on other event triggers) plugin for jQuery.

Unified mouse and mobile touch input events

Use this plugin to handle both keyboard-mouse and mobile touch motions with a unified set of events. It is currently being used in a commercial SPA and is featured in the book [Single page web applications – JavaScript end-to-end](http://manning.com/mikowski). Supported motions for both desktop and touch devices include tap, long-press, drag, long-press-drag, and zoom. See … Continue reading

Global custom events

Provides the ability to have a jQuery **collection** subscribe a **function** to a **global custom event**. This plugin is featured in the book [Single page web applications – JavaScript end-to-end](http://manning.com/mikowski). Methods include **subscribe**, **publish**, and **unsubscribe**. This is similar to jQuery global custom events support which was removed from jQuery 1.9+.

jQuery Scanner Detection

jQuery Scanner Detection is a small plugin to detect when user use a scanner (barcode, QR Code…) instead of a keyboard, and call specific callbacks.

jQuery DOM Polling Plugin

Allows you add custom events that can be precisely configured to track changes on DOM nodes (from simple form text updates to tracking anything like CSS position). These events support jQuery Event API (including event delegation!). Plays nicely with resources, monitors DOM updates, clears caches whenever necessary

Load Later

jQuery plugin for partial loading non essential DOM elements

jQuery Maybe

jQuery Promise with evented resolution/rejection conditions.