Social Likes

Beautiful “like” buttons with counters for popular social networks.

jQuery Socialist

jQuery social media plugin for combining social feeds from Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other social networks.

jQuery Facebook Login

Empower your users to easily login via Facebook with this simple jQuery plugin

jQuery waSlideMenu

jQuery plugin for menu organization like Facebook Help Page.

Mikes Modal Library

This is a library for creating a facebook like modal box to be used. It features an image on the left and content on the right. The image scales to the largest size possible while still fiting in your monitors resultion.

jQuery URLive

jQuery URLive lets you easily create a live preview of a URL.


jQuery Facebook Plugin enables websites to offer an full ajax based authentication and login/registration process based on the Facebook JavaScript SDK. Beside that, the plugin offers functionality for adding Like buttons and other social widgets to websites easily.

jQuery fbpagestarter

A front-end starter kit that makes it easy to create a page tab on Facebook

jQuery LiveURL

jQuery plugin to get an url preview like the facebook attachment