jQuery offlineForm

Stores the forms in the localStorage when the browser is offline and synchronizes them when the browser is back online.

3D graphics for jQuery

jQuery plugin for creating 3D interactive graphics in X3DOM framework

jQuery Trid

3Dification for all your average HTML5 DOM elements. Live example: http://curvedinfinity.com/jquery.trid/example.html

Simple HTML5 Music Player

Implement a HTML5 audio player anywhere on a site simply by providing two audio format sources, customise appearance and style as much as you want. Currently no iOS support

Squiz Matrix Dependent Questions

Make a form question’s visibility dependent on some other question simply by adding `data-depends-on=”inputName=value”` to your wrapper HTML element. No other code required. Many thanks to Squiz for supporting the development of this plugin.

jQuery Walidate

A form validation plugin that works on every html form without changing anything in your existing markup.

jQuery SimpleChart

Small jQuery Plugin to display a Chart of Plotted Data

jQuery parseData

A simle parser to get the option objects from HTML5 data-* attribute without using eval().

Chunked file read

Read file chunk by chunk via HTML5 FileReader API.