Tagged: input
jQuery plugin that simplifies creation of sophisticated password fields.
Released September 1, 2014
A jQuery autocomplete plugin for the discerning developer.
Released March 29, 2014
Simple, easy, customisable and with cache support.
Released September 13, 2014
jQuery plug-in for selection and caret manipulation within textareas and text inputs.
Released September 15, 2014
jQuery plugin to save form fields values to Local Storage via HMTL5 Web Storage API. Lost connections, crashed browsers, broken validations – all these shit loose forms data you've filled in with love and care. Phoenix keeps bad things away from forms. It saves form fields values to your browser Local Storage using HTML5 Web Storage API.
Released July 20, 2014
A jQuery Latitude and Longitude plugin to pick a location using Google Maps.\ \ Supports multiple maps. Works on touchscreen. Easy to customize markup and CSS.\ \ Features:
Released September 30, 2014
A jQuery Latitude and Longitude plugin to pick a location using Google Maps.\ \ Supports multiple maps. Works on touchscreen. Easy to customize markup and CSS.\ \ Features:
Released September 30, 2014
appendGrid allow you to input structured data row by row such like filling spreadsheets. It allows you to add/remove/insert/delete row in the grid. The generated input/select/textarea controls are well named for submitting to server side applications such as ASP.NET/PHP/JSP. Multiple options and callback events are available to fit every situation.
Released October 1, 2014
Restrict what characters that may be entered into text fields. Supports alphanumeric, alphabetic or numeric. Easy to use. Fully customisable. Cross Browser compatible.
Released February 5, 2014
A jQuery plugin that adds delight to selecting multiple values for an input.
Released August 28, 2013