
Serializes a form into a JavaScript Object with the same format as the default Ruby on Rails request params hash.

Table To JSON

jQuery plugin that reads an HTML table and returns a javascript object representing the values and columns of the table


Serialize a form into an object or JSON.


A flexible JavaScript Object and JSON to HTML converter with a focus on forms

Agile Carousel

Creates a carousel or slideshow from a JSON data source. Highly configurable UI. Custimize the look with plugin settings and your own CSS.


A jQuery plug-in for transforming data between different formats

Phery.js PHP Ajax

The bridge from jQuery to PHP, and vice-versa through AJAX. Using event delegation, forms and links can call PHP functions with only some data-* attributes, and perform RESTful requests using GET, POST, PUT, DELETE without any manual event binding, everything just works. You can also render partial views using ajax, loading only parts of the … Continue reading

Alpaca Forms

Easy Forms Engine for jQuery / Bootstrap.

jQuery JSONView

jQuery plugin for display pretty JSON.


Populates a with a remote JSON.