Tagged: popup
Fit mobile devices. Uses CSS3 transform and transition for smooth touch sliding. Touch slide left or right opens next or previous image, touch slide up or down closes image. Clicking image opens next one, clicking left side opens previous, clicking right side closes image. Hotkeys for next, previous and close buttons. Closing after viewing of all images. Preloading of next and previous images. Uses link's `href` or `data-href` attribute for large images. Fully customizable styles. Customizable bottom area. Customizable `onopen` event.
Released July 23, 2014
jQuery plugin for image galleries with pop up effect.
Released January 23, 2013
This little jQuery plugin is used to add a loading popup.\ This could be usefull for ajax calls, and it’s really simple to use !.
Released July 21, 2013
jQuery plugin for social sharing using popup windows
Released March 20, 2013
A lightweight and simple transition popup plugin
Released June 25, 2014
A simple, lightweight jQuery plugin for showing modal less overlays.
Released August 5, 2013
Highly configurable multi-instance jQuery notification queue
Released February 11, 2013
jQuery plugin for popup box or overlay box
Released June 27, 2013
Displays customizable dialog windows with content fetched using Ajax
Released August 28, 2013
jQuery popup plugin, lightweight and flexible application popup plugin.
Released November 29, 2013