ABigImage – view big versions of images

Fit mobile devices. Uses CSS3 transform and transition for smooth touch sliding. Touch slide left or right opens next or previous image, touch slide up or down closes image. Clicking image opens next one, clicking left side opens previous, clicking right side closes image. Hotkeys for next, previous and close buttons. Closing after viewing of … Continue reading


Highly configurable multi-instance jQuery notification queue

jQuery Fenster

Lightweight Modal Framework with API

jQuery StickyNotif

A jQuery plugin to display info, success, warning, error, or general message in a clean and consistent sticky notification. This plugin is based on Sticky: A super simple notification system for jQuery, by Daniel Raftery.

FILo <> Facebook Image Loader

Load your photos from your Facebook page to your own website using this plugin with a single line of HTML code. No need to upload your photos twice anymore! You can use it for single photos as well as for galleries.


A jQuery plugin for showing simple and beautiful PopUps.

jQuery Loader Plugin

This little jQuery plugin is used to add a loading popup. This could be usefull for ajax calls, and it’s really simple to use !.

popupMgr: Simple and Customizable Popup Manager

$.popupMgr manages different layers of popups on a page. You might have a popup for alerts, another for dropdowns, and another for general messages. You also may not want two dropdowns to be open at the same time. $.popupMgr ensures this.