Global custom events

Provides the ability to have a jQuery **collection** subscribe a **function** to a **global custom event**. This plugin is featured in the book [Single page web applications – JavaScript end-to-end]( Methods include **subscribe**, **publish**, and **unsubscribe**. This is similar to jQuery global custom events support which was removed from jQuery 1.9+.

jQuery PubSub

A fast extensible pubsub system using jQuery Callbacks


A well-tested jQuery plugin implementing enterprise-level messaging patterns atop the OpenAjax [Unmanaged] Hub. Great for decoupling cross-component communication on the client-side. – smart pub/sub is a complete pub/sub implementation build on top of jQuery.Callbacks. It preserves the jQuery-chain! $(‘div’).channel(‘subscribe’ … ) and you can use regular expressions (containing*) as wildcards begining on the starting position within the string. So it’s possible to subscribe to multiple channels with just one call: $.channel(‘subscribe’,’CHANNEL/SUB.*’,myFunction)

jQuery Publish/Subscribe

Another simple way to publish and subscribe.


A very minimal client-side publish/subscribe system on top of jQuery.

Tiny Pub/Sub

A really, really, REALLY tiny pub/sub implementation for jQuery.