Tagged: select
jQuery plugin to handle selecting ranges of checkboxes via Shift+Click (and more)
Released September 11, 2014
Converts a select box into a fuzzy searchable dropdown.
Released July 16, 2014
SelectList is a plugin that replaces the standard HTML multiple select element with a nicer and more user-friendly interface. The user selects a number of items from a drop-down list, and the selected items are displayed below.
Released February 27, 2013
A plugin to present multiple select elements in easier way.
Released September 4, 2014
Listbox.js is a simple jQuery plugin that provides a more powerful alternative to the standard `select` tag
Released October 13, 2013
jQuery plugin to ransforms a <select> into a cross-browser input field to manage tags
Released December 8, 2013
jQuery plugin to turn a HTML select into an auto-suggesting, tagging widget
Released August 26, 2014
Bind to the `textSelect` event, a custom DOM-like event generated using jQuery's Special Events API. The `textSelect` event triggers when the user selects any text within a bound element.
Released February 13, 2013
jQuery plugin select range or single value from period or 2d board. Support touch devices
Released July 15, 2014
jQuery plugin select range or single value from period or 2d board
Released July 3, 2014