Tagged: select
Select2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote data sets, and infinite scrolling of results.
Released July 22, 2014
This plugin allows you to make a select box editable like a text box while keeping it's select-option features
Released July 3, 2013
cropsy is a jQuery plugin for creating a draggable and zoomable cropper window around an attached image, similar to Twitter's profile image selector. Its name comes from the Staten Island urban legend of Cropsey. Coder beware.
Released March 31, 2013
Expand automatically <select> width to be able to read long options in IE8
Released September 11, 2013
jQuery plugin to have a touch-fitted multi select input field..
Released January 17, 2013
jQuery plugin for creating a list of selectable items out of an HTML select element.
Released January 22, 2013
Mighty Form Styler for jQuery replaces you form select element with a html ul list so you can easily and completely style it with css. With some little magic it behaves just like a regular select element.
Released January 13, 2014
Javascript Library to aid on creation of beautiful form elements
Released July 30, 2014
Selectify is a UI overlay for select elements which does not screw up your events.
Released October 2, 2014
Selective provides multiple selection with autocomplete: a list to which items may be added by typing part of the label. A server-side or client-side source may be specified for autocomplete (see jquery.ui.autocomplete). Items may be reordered if the sortable option is present (this feature requires jQuery UI sortable). Items may also be removed. There are additional features for advanced cases, such as adding options on the fly (for instance, for tagging, or describing attributes of a relationship, like the job title of an employee in a particular department). It is especially useful when there are too many options to be presented in an ordinary dropdown list.
Released September 29, 2014