
Progressive bar, line and pie charts.

Lazy Line Painter

A jQuery plugin for path animation using the Raphaël Library.

jQuery Mapael

jQuery Mapael is a jQuery plugin based on raphael.js that allows you to display dynamic vector maps.


jQuery plugin for drawing Feynman diagrams with SVG

SVGStyle – manipulate with styles of SVG inline like ‘data:image/svg+xml;base64’

Plugin to manipulate runtime with styles of SVG and it’s magic. This is a simple way to manipulate with SVG-styles of ‘inline’ data like url(data:image/svg+xml;base64,…). You can use the dynamic change of style like $(‘#id’).svgStyle(‘fill:#333’) or $(‘.class’).svgStyle(‘stroke: #b3b3b3; stroke-width: 5′) or set it by default in tag data-svg-style=’fill:#bbb’. And now you can set the color … Continue reading

SVG Alike

Self contained SVG polyfill that swaps out SVG for PNG in non-supporting browsers.

Sonic Gauge

jQuery plugin to create and display SVG gauges using RaphaëlJS.

jQuery SuperDOM

jQuery plugin for DOM operations in non-XHTML namespaces.

jQuery Blurr

jQuery plugin for creating trendy blurred backgrounds from an image

jQuery SVGMagic

A simple jQuery plugin that creates a fallback for .SVG images (backgroundimage supported to!). In case your browser doesn’t support .SVG images it will create a .PNG file and replace the .SVG with it. This means that you don’t have to create two versions of your images to support IE8 and lower.