Linkify URLs, mentions & hashtags

Linky is a jQuery plugin for linkifying URLs, mentions (for Twitter, Instagram or GitHub) and hashtags (for Twitter); that is, taking plain text references of URLs, mentions and hashtags and turning them to the appropriate links. Existing linkified URLs are kept untouched.

jQuery Highlight Twitter

A jQuery plugin that allow to share highlighted text on twitter.


ContentShare is a jQuery plugin which lets you share the exact content on a page which you actually want to share. It enables you to share selected text on your social network rather the default text specified in the meta tags. By default, it supports Facebook and Twitter but you can add more networks easily.

jQuery share

Share is a customizable jQuery Plugin which lets you share a website, post, article, blog or anything which has a URL. Share it on facebook, twitter, linkedin, pinterest or tumblr.

jQuery Tweets

Show tweets & cache them in sessionStorage to avoid API limit rate bust.


more.js is a small and simple jQuery plugin that makes having a button to fetch additional resources a breeze.

Bootstrap Theme Switcher

jQuery plugin for dynamically loading Twitter Bootstrap themes from Bootswatch. This plugin allows for the automatic populating of UL and SELECT elements with the names of themes available, can switch a theme, save the selected theme to a cookie and load the selected theme from a cookie.