
Lightweight JavaScript-based user-agent string parser

jQuery Browser Rejection

jReject is a simple tool for rejecting specific browsers in a nice modal window

jQuery Browser

A jQuery plugin for browser detection.

plugin for the dependency problem

jQuery plugin for resolve of the dependency problem about client browser or/and client platform using userAgent string. This plugin provides the browser detection, browser version detectioin, browser rendering engine detection, platform detection.

anysearch.js – direct search with barcode scanner support

jQuery Plugin for a direct search in browser, search without inputfield, activate searchfield optional, activate searchslider optional, supports barcode scanner and with searchfilter

jQuery Browser Select Dialog

This plugin allows you to show a dialog to upgrade user browser when it is not upto the required specification. This is mainly used to retire older version of IE users to upgrade to later new versions or prompt them to use different and better browser.


Browser & OS / platform detection plugin for jQuery