jQuery Wave

jQuery plugin for drawing waves using HTML5 canvas 2d.


NoticeBox is a javascript widget that allows you to add a dynamic tip-like text box to your webpage.

jQuery Polygonal Graphic Widget

jQuery widget (widget factory) that draws a polygonal graphic using canvas tag of HTML5

Starscroll – A parallax scrolling starfield

This jquery plugin adds a fullscreen starfield, generated in canvas, controlled by css to any div. The parallax responds when user scrolls (no matter how big your content), or when is set to animate. Why? because every website needs a starfield!

HitTesting jquery plugin

Test dom objects collision and coordinates hitTest.The collision detection works on mobile and on desktop. It manage image and canvas transparency on rencent web browsers.


jQuery plugin to pixelate an image on a canvas element

jQuery SimpleChart

Small jQuery Plugin to display a Chart of Plotted Data

jQuery Turtle

jQuery plugin for turtle graphics. Every element is a turtle that can rotate, move, animate, draw, play music, and test for collisions.

jQuery Render Image

jQuery Render Image is a plugin that renders an image from a file input into a canvas. If the element is not a canvas, it create and appends a canvas in it.