
jQuery plugin to sort and reorder table columns by using drag and drop

jQuery Simulate Extended

jQuery Simulate – Extended. Simulating complex user interaction based on the jQuery Simulate plugin.

Ezdz [izy-dizy]

A jQuery plugin to turn standard input type file into a nice drag&drop zone with validators and previews.

Field Chooser

Drag and drop items between two lists, with multi-select and keyboard shortcuts

jQuery Droppable

Makes elements droppable

jQuery Corners Detector

This is a jQuery plugin that can determine the coordinates of corners of a HTML page element. It can look at the element position and return the coordinates of its four corners. The object can check if the element corners are outside the container element coordinates, as well move the element to a new position … Continue reading


jQuery plugin to allow for easy file uploading. Work in progress… (no code pushed yet)

jQuery Ajax File Uploader

jQuery plugin for ajax file uploading with file progress


Droppable grid for draggable widget.