Find By Name

Find By Name provides a less bug-prone way to find elements by their name attribute. In particular, when the name attribute is stored in a variable it is very bug-prone to write a selector for it by hand every time.

jQuery Saveform

Saves automatically all entered form fields.

jQuery ToolTip

A jump-start for Form tooltips and messages using JQuery.


A simple and lightweight jQuery plugin for generating and implementing captcha inside a form


A jQuery plugin for textarea, password and text inputs that handles common issues such as placeholders for unsupported browsers (including password fields), styling and labels.


jQuery plugin for keeping user input. Restores values ​​in fields when page reloads. Uses `localStorage`.


A simple and lightweight jQuery plugin for generating and implementing captcha inside a form

jQuery Google Form Submission

A demonstration of a method to submit Google Forms using AJAX.

A form in slider form

jFormslider is a jquey plugin which you can implement a form in form of a slider

jQuery Password Peekaboo

Temporarily expose the contents of a password field, as popularized by Microsoft in Windows 8