Tagged: lightbox
modalBox.js is a very light weight modal window plugin packed with only most used features and options. Its overall size is around 5.3 kb ( 2.5 kb minified). Core of plugin is completly explained in homepage, so you can easily extend it according to your need.
Released March 12, 2014
Easy image lightbox jQuery plugin for small galleries. Allow to zoom images at place.
Released June 8, 2013
The lightbox reimagined. Fully responsive HTML5 image galleries.
Released June 20, 2013
A simple video gallery for youtube, converts a list of Youtube links into a gallery, can load a search, user or playlist from Youtube API. Optional, use the fancybox or colorbox plugins to display videos nicely
Released June 14, 2013
MultiDialog utilizes jQuery UI Dialog Widget for a full featured Modalbox / Lightbox application.
Released September 7, 2013
A lighterweight lightbox gallery module for modern desktop and mobile browsers.
Released August 31, 2014
A very simplistic rotating banner with only a handful of options, meant to be extremely easy to use and lightweight.
Released April 6, 2014
Gallerie is a plugin that offers a lightbox-like gallery viewer of a collection of images. It features a simple overlay with a scrollable thumbnail list, image loading hint, as well as an image caption and index. The overlay thumbnails automatically scroll with the user's mouse and can be activated by click or custom event. Several methods exist to allow for extending the plugin with richer functionality through javascript.
Released April 18, 2013
Fit mobile devices. Uses CSS3 transform and transition for smooth touch sliding. Touch slide left or right opens next or previous image, touch slide up or down closes image. Clicking image opens next one, clicking left side opens previous, clicking right side closes image. Hotkeys for next, previous and close buttons. Closing after viewing of all images. Preloading of next and previous images. Uses link's `href` or `data-href` attribute for large images. Fully customizable styles. Customizable bottom area. Customizable `onopen` event.
Released July 23, 2014
Every front-end developer needs their own modal window. The plugin is optimised and customisable and even supports multiple, nestable instances.
Released January 17, 2013