jQuery Listarea

jQuery plugin for turning a textarea into a structured list of items.


Multi-sort, multi-filter and generate groups for an html list.

jQuery Expandable Ajax List

jQuery list that is expanding on getting responses by ajax requests. It updates only new appears or disapears list items according to the refresh ajax request.


Create a multi=line lists.

Category Tabs

Adds a tabbed interface to long lists with items falling into various categories

CPAN Distributions List

Display a list of CPAN distributions and related information for a specified Perl author.

Simple plugin for sorting lists

$.listSort is a lightweight plugin that allows you to sort any list (with header) or table. It tries to determine if the element’s value is a date (if Datejs is loaded), numeric, or a string.

Expandable List

A jQuery plugin that helps to create expandable lists out of html list elements.

jQuery List Selection

File manager style rich selection for lists of elements