Page Sideview Menu

This menu displays itself prominently on the page with the help of css3 transforms and transitions. The menu glides in from the left edge of the screen while shrinking the rest of the page content into the background, bringing the user’s focus squarely on the menu itself. Clicking anywhere on the page again hides the … Continue reading


jQuery plugin for responsive menus. Has 6 options for creating responsive menus based upon media queries. Use multiple options for a single page. Can used with both top and side navigation (simultaneously).

Responsive Side Toggle Menu

Side Toggle Menu lets you add a side bar menu to your page that slides in from the left or right edge of the browser window. It supports two types of unveiling- either by nudging the rest of the page and making room for itself, or overlaying the page (and not displacing its neighbours). CSS3 … Continue reading

DD Icon Menu

DD Icon Menu creates an icon based vertical menu that sits fixed on the left edge of the browser window and expands to show sub menus onMouseover. Infinite levels of sub menus can be associated with each icon, with each sub menu simply defined as a hidden DIV on the page.

jQuery Alphabetize

This tiny jQuery library arrange text in alphabetical order.


jQuery Mobile plugin for creating dynamic menus on mobile devices. Modes include ‘above-content’, ‘split-view’, and ‘slide’

Amazon Side Bar Menu

This menu models itself after the side bar menu found on to provide a flexible, content-rich fold out menu. It supports infinite number of sub menus. In addition, the menu is responsive in smaller screen and mobile devices, by stacking the sub levels when revealed on top of its parent to conserve space. A … Continue reading

Smooth Navigational Menu

Smooth Navigation Menu is a multi level, CSS list based menu powered using jQuery that makes website navigation a smooth affair. And that’s a good thing given the important role of this element in any site. The menu’s contents can either be from direct markup on the page, or an external file and fetched via … Continue reading


Create Chrome-styled context menus (right-click menus) for any element.