jQuery Panzoom

Add CSS3 dragging and/or zooming functionality to any element

jquery-cropbox plugin

jQuery plugin for in-place image cropping (zoom & pan, as opposed to select and drag). This plugin depends only on jQuery. If either `Hammer.js` or `jquery.hammer.js` is loaded, the cropbox plugin will support gestures for panning and zooming the cropbox. Similary, if the `jquery.mousewheel.js` plugin is loaded, then the cropbox plugin will support zoom in … Continue reading

jQuery imgViewer

jQuery plugin to zoom and pan images, even those with a size that is a percentage of their container.

jQuery imgNotes

Extension of the jQuery imgViewer plugin to add markers and notes to the image.

jQuery Panelize

A jquery plugin that allows a user to navigate an image by using an HTML image map.


jQuery.zoomPanTouchSVG is a jQuery plugin that utilizes the SVG viewBox attribute to Zoom In, Zoom Out and Pan around an SVG.