jQuery parseData

A simle parser to get the option objects from HTML5 data-* attribute without using eval().

Countdown 360

This is a simple attractive circular countdown timer that counts down a number of seconds. The style is configurable and callbacks are supported on completion.

JS jQuery LightBox: Cloud Template

js jQuery Photo Lightbox. Cloud Style DEMO. Adding the code for photo gallery in any place of your web site or blog has never been easier.


A lightweight jQuery plugin that counts up to a targeted number when the number becomes visible.


A jQuery plugin developed to be a flexible interface with any SPARQL database.

Simple Tabs

When you need tabs with simple mark up.

Lightbox HTML Free – Noir Template

Free Photo Lightbox with HTML. Noir Style DEMO. Free Lightbox HTML will help you to make many delightful galleries that you can share with family and friends

Kanye Ipsum

A jQuery plugin for generating placeholder text from Kanye West quotes.


A jQuery plugin that shows and hides content with a click event.