Tagged: responsive
A responsive frame to aid with mobile development
Released August 6, 2013
Allows useful callbacks to be fired upon elements scrolling into and out of view from both the top and bottom of the viewport/window. Additionally, provides a mechanism to animate parallax elements.
Released April 9, 2014
CSS gradient generator with the best browser support. Three different layouts to meet Your requirement (from simple linear to complex radial gradients).
Released April 20, 2014
The jQuery sticky footer plugin sticks your footer, with or without set height, to the bottom of your page. You can also use the sticky footer plugin to stick other elements to the bottom of their parent.
Released June 14, 2014
A jQuery plugin that adds selector classes to elements depending on its width. Think of media queries but for element widths instead of browser widths.
Released November 25, 2013
This is a jQuery plugin for making tables responsive dynamically. The plugin dynamically detects when the table no longer can fit in its container and then displays it vertically.
Released September 12, 2014
bs_pagination is a jQuery pagination plugin, based on Twitter Bootstrap. Fully configurable, responsive web design.
Released May 14, 2014
A jQuery plugin that sets the height of each element in a group to the height of the highest element. It is responsive, so it keeps working when you resize your window.
Released January 4, 2014
A light-weight jQuery plugin to make any element scalable (responsive).
Released March 13, 2014
Juicy Slider is a responsive slider/slideshow plugin for jQuery. Unlike other plugins that rely on CSS3 support of browser, this plugin adjusts image size by computing the corresponding aspect ratio of images and viewport using javascript. This makes it compatible with older browsers and more consistent. The current release uses jQuery UI to set its transition effects.
Released July 29, 2013