Infinite Ajax Scroll

jQuery plugin that progressively enhances your server-side pagination


Overscroll is a jQuery Plugin and polyfill for mobile safari’s overflow-scrolling style. It is intended for use on desktop browsers.


A Simple jQuery Plugin for Animating Scroll with more than 30 unique easing effects


Scrolld.js is a unique open source plugin for jQuery. Scrolld.js provides a method for highly precise scrolling for pixel-perfect layouts and navigation using real-time updated data values. With Scrolld.js your scrolling to items will always be exact and will always provide the best user experience. Scrolld.js is specifically designed to support responsive designs and turns … Continue reading

Parallax ImageScroll

Parallax ImageScroll is a simple and easy jQuery plugin for creating image parallax effects when scrolling the page, inspired by

Scroll up bar

The scroll up bar plugin (jQuery) hides the top bar when scrolling down, and show it when scrolling up.

Sticky Table Headers

jQuery plugin that makes large tables more usable by having the table header stick to the top of the screen when scrolling.

jQuery panelSnap

jQuery plugin that provides snapping functionality to a set of panels within your interface.


An ultra-light jQuery plugin that tells you if the element is in the viewport, but with a twist.