
An intuitive, lightweight carousel solution. No coding required.

jQuery Open Carousel

A carousel that’s as easy to customize and configure without javascript as it is to hack for any specific use

jQuery Slide Drawer

jQuery plugin for a slide drawer at the bottom of your page.

jQuery Sliderbutton

jQuery UI/Mobile plugin providing a slider-based button (“slide to activate”)

ABigImage – view big versions of images

Fit mobile devices. Uses CSS3 transform and transition for smooth touch sliding. Touch slide left or right opens next or previous image, touch slide up or down closes image. Clicking image opens next one, clicking left side opens previous, clicking right side closes image. Hotkeys for next, previous and close buttons. Closing after viewing of … Continue reading

jQuery ShiftyNav

ShiftyNav provides a unique set of animations for navigation on websites, inspired by the Android apps and widgets screen, implemented similar to jQuery UI Tabs.

Simple slideshow

A simple slideshow jQuery plugin, practical, flexible, supporting both horizontal and vertical scrolling.


jQuery plugin for venetian blind-like banner made of rolling stripes animated with CSS3 3D transforms.

Simple slideshow

A simple slideshow jQuery plugin, practical, flexible, supporting both horizontal and vertical scrolling.

jQuery turniquet

jQuery plugin for sliding blocks.