Tagged: table
Filter.js is a easy-to-use jQuery plugin that makes filtering a large amount of resources a piece of cake. With Filter.js you can filter resources that are in an element while simultaneously retrieving additional resources that may not be displayed in a table. filter.js allows you to filter paginated data that is not loaded on the client yet.
Released June 11, 2014
very very cool jQuery plugin for creating tables with sorting, filtering, custom cell rendering, custom css and custom sorting support.
Released July 22, 2014
A set of jQuery lightweight plugins - download, panel, table etc.
Released January 20, 2013
A jQuery plugin to easily create a Bootstrap-friendly table with selectable rows.
Released May 19, 2013
A flexible jQuery plugin that creates a table of contents based on headings in the document. You can use either standard headings or any elements with the class 'tocEntry'. You can choose the heading range to process, for example 2-4, and provide a callback to parse and modify the heading text used in the contents link. Back links from the headings to the table of contents are supported by default. All elements can be styled using CSS classes and sample CSS is provided.
Released June 4, 2013
jQuery Zentable llows to show and manipulate tabulated data on a web page, with or without AJAX
Released October 1, 2013
A jquery plugin for working with paginated data tables using Twitter Bootstrap
Released October 6, 2013
JQuery plugin for filtering table-data. Use the following operands to filter your table-data: 'equlas', 'not-equals', 'like', 'starts with', 'ends with', 'less than', 'greater than', 'true' or 'false' (for cells that contain checkboxes).
Released August 20, 2014
Easily create tables with select-able rows, and operations that can be performed on the selected rows.
Released November 21, 2013
$.listSort is a lightweight plugin that allows you to sort any list (with header) or table. It tries to determine if the element's value is a date (if Datejs is loaded), numeric, or a string.
Released July 17, 2014