Tagged: window
Externalize is a jQuery plugin which unobtrusively adds external window creation to a bunch of links. It’s ridiculously small (< 1kB g’zipped) and supports AMD.
Released October 2, 2013
With jQuery afterresize event plugin, an event is triggered when resizing the window has ended.
Released February 6, 2013
A jQuery UI widget which allows you to present entry points (or windows) into your data that can be served up from a server action or from static HTML (similar to a portlet in portal technology). Backed by jQuery's AJAX libraries, each pane acts independently from other panes -- achieving a clear separation of concerns between user actions.
Released March 29, 2013
Lightweight Modal Framework with API
Released May 28, 2014
This plugin will generate random pixels which will fly around your page randomly. BE CAREFUL!! This plugin can cause some heavy load on your browser if you use high amounts of pixels.
Released October 19, 2013
Allows useful callbacks to be fired at set \"breakpoints\" or window sizes reached upon resizing the viewport so as to create responsive web applications.
Released March 25, 2014
Use the dialog plugin for creating beautiful overlay dialog boxes. You can open multiple dialogs at once, and see all of them awesomely stacked one behind the other giving it a unique look and feel.
Released May 29, 2014
An alternative to .click() that checks if the user intended for the link to open in a new tab/window
Released March 12, 2013
A plugin that triggers an event when the user reaches the bottom of the page
Released April 25, 2013
Visual LightBox is a web photo galleries with a nice Lightbox-style overlay effect. * Cross-browser - works perfectly on all browsers (including IE6) * Responsive - smoothly adapts to any browser resolutions and device screens * Mobile-ready - optimized for Android and iOS devices * Search engine friendly and semantically valid * Unobtrusive - even without Javascript, the images are still accessible * Huge collection of fancy Lightbox themes - see live demos * Keyboard navigation - use left/right arrow key to navigate * Floating and smooth cross-fade transition * Lightweight (12Kb only)
Released September 12, 2014