Tagged: animation
Letter is a lightweight text rotator plugin for jQuery. It rotates quotations one by one with fading effects on letters. Can be used as simple jQuery text slideshow, banner rotator, text rotator or jQuery text slider.
Released April 15, 2013
A simple plugin for displayng html5 video. It wraps some much needed event control around the HTML5 video object.
Released April 24, 2013
A lightweight jQuery image slider / carousel plugin that populates content from an Instagram hashtag or username.
Released June 29, 2013
jQueryUi plugin to display a simple Lightbox. This plugin is built to work with TYPO3
Released November 12, 2013
jQuery plugin for multimedia control, as well as many other useful features.
Released July 6, 2013
Released September 2, 2013
jQuery plugin for YouTube iFrame API support.
Released November 4, 2013
Dynamic & easy menu for your web site.
Released January 2, 2014
bvslide, a jQuery slider with several transition effects you can customize, including fade, jigsaw, blinds, stack and simple slides. You can also customize navigation through images using user-set previous and next buttons, and by allowing either dots, numbers or a filmstrip
Released February 26, 2014
A jQuery plugin for automating nested menu management (expand/collapse) with high configurability and flexibility.
Released March 22, 2014