jQuery place holder

cross browser place holder plugin for jquery.


fancyplaceholder allows text box placeholders to be retained after there is text in the field.

jQuery SumoSelect

SumoSelect is a jquery plugin which beautifully renders a single or multiple HTML select element. it can be used for any device e.g for a android device the select will open the default android select popup and vice versa for other devices, and also if it fails to identify the device then it works according … Continue reading

jQuery Lorem

Lorem your ipsum dolor.

Kanye Ipsum

A jQuery plugin for generating placeholder text from Kanye West quotes.

jQuery Lorem Ipsum

Lorem your ipsum dolor.


A mostly-CSS-with-a-bit-of-jQuery micro-plugin to emulate the placeholder attribute for contenteditable divs. The placeholder text cosmetically resembles an input’s placeholder. All markup used is valid. The placeholder text does not appear in the DOM. The placeholder text disappears when the `div` contains any text or when it has input focus.