Tagged: resize
Fluid Text Resizer is a compact yet versatile jQuery text resizer script. It can adjust the text size of a particular section of your page, such as just the primary content area, multiple sections, or the entire document in general. A fluid animation is used to morph into the new text size, and session cookies are used to remember the new setting. It works by first getting the default font size of the target section, whether the unit is pixels, em etc, then increasing or decreasing that accordingly. In other words, it's adaptive.
Released February 13, 2013
jQuery Text Zoom Plugin is a lightweight jQuery plugin that gives the users ability to control the text size, color, alignment and font family of an article on a page.
Released April 18, 2013
jQuery plugin for picture viewing.
Released July 22, 2013
Super lightweight plugin to expand and contract textareas according to the height of user's input, up to a maximum number of rows
Released October 13, 2013
jQuery plugin resizing a textarea to 100% height of the page - allowing for elements offset
Released August 23, 2014