jLetter – jQuery text rotator plugin

Letter is a lightweight text rotator plugin for jQuery. It rotates quotations one by one with fading effects on letters. Can be used as simple jQuery text slideshow, banner rotator, text rotator or jQuery text slider.

jQuery randomArray

jQuery plugin for generating random array with positive int elements.


A jQuery plugin to watch when elements scroll into view.

jQuery LockScroll

Lock the scroll of a element and freeze in the actual position.

jQuery Slideshow with hardware-accelerated transitions

Responsive, accessible as a pure CSS slideshow. Prev/next navigation, bullets with thumbnails, auto-play, pause/stop, full width. It’s really smooth, lightweight, and retina-ready.


jQuery plugin. Leightweight, responsive menu.


A jQuery plugin for animating CSS3 box-shadow property.

jQuery Collapser

jQuery Collapser is a small and useful jQuery plugin for collapsing/truncating an element text by words, characters and lines with a flexible API. It is an all in one plugin with multiple functionalities to truncate a paragraph or any element as desired. Tags: jquery, plugin, animation, effect, collapse, lines, words, characters, truncate, element, expand, shrink, … Continue reading