Tagged: ui
bootstrap-window is the simply named, hugely powerful, daringly dapper, and quintessentially quaint windowing library for the popular Bootstrap front-end framework. bootstrap-window is developed with the idea of creating a responsive windowing system based on the Bootstrap front-end framework.
Released November 29, 2013
jQuery plugin to play slide show on click with additional fullscreen operation.
Released November 4, 2013
CashFormat jQuery plugin allows to replace standart text inputs to inputs for type money, like 0.00.
Released December 8, 2013
The jQuery plugin that allows to create responsive scrollers (carousels) with grid and simple horizontal layouts. RadiantScroller can be cuztomized with the variety of options and. API methods and callbacks are available. Elements may also have animated captions.
Released July 29, 2014
A jQuery plugin for automating nested menu management (expand/collapse) with high configurability and flexibility.
Released March 22, 2014
Warnfenster für deine Website, Schlicht und Elegant, Jetzt kostenlos und ohne einer Lizenz einbinden! By Onur Ömer Yavuz! Neu: Mehrere Warnfenster! Englisch: Warning window for your site, simplicity and elegant, integrated now and without a license! By Onur Ömer Yavuz! New: Transition Animation
Released May 19, 2014
A jQuery plugin that easily allows the user to select or enter a number.
Released March 7, 2014
Another HSL(A) / RGB(A) Colorpicker jQuery Plugin
Released April 15, 2014
Small jQuery Plugin to display a Chart of Plotted Data
Released April 20, 2014
Small 318 bytes jQuery Plugin for create slides.
Released April 24, 2014